Mission Welfare
How do leaders prioritize…Mission Accomplishment vs Troop Welfare.

All Marine leaders are taught, in general, that they have two responsibilities as leaders: mission accomplishment and troop welfare. These are widely accepted and very seldom questioned by Marines. Where the discussion diverges, however, is when we have to prioritize one over the other. In every leadership discussion I attended, it seemed like half of the room prioritized mission accomplishment while the other half prioritized troop welfare.
For those prioritizing Mission Accomplishment, they argue that by accomplishing the mission we’re taking care of the troops. Of course, this assumes the mission is not inherently foolish or cavalier and does not unnecessarily risk the welfare of the troops.
For those prioritizing Troop Welfare, they argue that if we take care of the troops, the troops will accomplish the mission. And of course this assumes that we’re not afraid to take on risk for fear of endangering the welfare of the troops.
Consider having this discussion with your team and apply it to your business. Although the stakes are not life and death, someone’s livelihood and a family are generally attached to any sacrifice of personnel required to accomplish your mission…and your mission is probably not a matter of national security.
If you’re so inclined, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter in the comments.