Take Charge!
As a junior leader, it’s easy to feel like a small cog in a big machine. After all, you’re just one
person in a sea of individuals working towards (hopefully) a common goal. However, it’s crucial that you recognize the importance of taking charge of your team and your piece of the mission.
So what does it mean to take charge of your team and your piece of the mission? Essentially, it means being proactive and taking ownership. Instead of waiting for someone else to tell you what to do, take the initiative and take action. If your task and goals aren’t clearly defined for you, ask your chain of command for clarification. Still not clear? Set them yourself, delegate tasks to team members, monitor progress, and make adjustments as necessary.
Key to all of this is communication. You need to be able to clearly articulate the mission and goals to your team, as well as ensure that everyone is on the same page. This requires active listening, effective feedback, and a willingness to adapt your approach based on the capabilities of your team.
Another important aspect of taking charge is accountability. As a junior leader, you are responsible for ensuring that your team is performing at a high level and meeting the expectations of the organization. This may involve holding team members accountable for their performance, providing constructive feedback, and recognizing and rewarding successes.
It’s important to note that taking charge doesn’t mean being a dictator or micromanaging your team. Instead, it means being a servant leader who empowers their team members to take ownership of their responsibilities and contribute to the mission in a meaningful way. This requires trust, respect, and a willingness to learn from your team members as well.
By being proactive, communicating effectively, holding yourself and your team members accountable, and being a servant leader, you can make a meaningful impact and set yourself up for future success. Remember, leadership isn’t just about titles or positions – it’s about taking action and making a difference.
Call to Action: TB, this all sounds great, but “how” do I accomplish this? Be bold: ask me or someone you already trust.